Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday Stroll!

Dear strangers,

It was kinda hot and bright today. Few months ago when my cousin was in town, I remembered I saw one magazine at Intercontinental Hotel talking about the new refurbish shop houses at Tiong Bahru area, I kept that in mind and today I decided to check it out. The place is not that far from my house, a few bus stops away. I had to do a little bit of walking to this small street call Yong Saik Road. The road is short, about 300 m, surrounded by 5 storey old apartments. It doesnt take much of my time to stroll around there. The first cafe I notice was Potato, I took a little peek inside, the interior is nice, industrial theme with bricks wall - black frames - minimalist. It is newly open judging from the flowers and congratulations notes on the main entrance. Next to it there is a small cafe, fully packed, call 40 handscofee. I wanted to go in and try a cup of coffee somehow I didnt make a move to get in there, I don't really like crowded place. I looked at the shop opposite of the cafe, Books Actually, the independent book shop - the main highlight of the magazine I read at the hotel. The shop is not that small filled with books from vintage books to the new releases. The price is far too expensive comparing to Kinokuniya. I really had no idea why they put the price so high, if they sell vintage and maybe a few rare books I can accept that but those books are common books that I can get it everywhere else and cheaper. I didnt spent too much time there after I checked the back of the house which filled with a lot of vintage table ware and some history books I left.

I walked down to the main street and looked at the time, it still 4pm. After considering a few possible places to go I took bus to Chinatown. I was thinking to go to Ann Siang Road, had a cup of coffee and read my book but my feet brought me to different place. I get off from the bus and walked to different direction from my destination. I made a call on the way and viola I ended up going to Keong Saik Rd - where the French restaurant is. When I reached there, Alex was in front of the door. I am so glad to see him, it was quite sometimes from the last time I saw him. I had a little chat with him before he left for his hair cut. I spent a couple hours there chat with Manuel and helping him with the teas. There are soooo many teas there and really made me confuse before I made a move, Manuel gave me a few tea bags from France to try at home. I chose my fave Earl Grey and some weird tea. Meri beacoup! x

It almost 6 when I left the restaurant, leave them to prepare for their dinner service at 7pm. I completely forgot about Ann Siang Road and walked towards Duxton Hill. I passed by the small dodgy road Desiree showed me the other day and made my to Tanjong Pagar to take bus home. I did some of my groceries before I head home. Deciding to eat in or out. I had a little bit food at home and I went out for dinner with Nyuk at Botak Jones, finally after few weeks I havent seen him :D. After had chat I went to Fair Price finest to get Sunkist drinks that I have been craving for the past few days.

Sometimes you really miss those friends who can just accept you the way you are and don't think too much.


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