Sunday, June 24, 2012

Flea Market and Weekend!

Dear stranger,

Whats up?!

Last Thursday I went to my aunt's house for a little bit catching up it has been awhile, my uncle was in town for few days before he flew off to Hongkong. I met my younger cousin. He is doing his National Service, he is so funny and sweet as always, when I was there he told me that he had one plastic bag of oranges that he brought back from office, it was about 50 oranges and we made it into orange juices. We had talk about his national service in air force and what's next after that. It is kinda funny to see how they already a grown up now. I had dinner with my aunt and uncles - and then we ate durians. I was so full but tempted to eat more durians!


Friday - I laze around the house and read 1Q84 and in the evening I picked up my sister at airport, her flight delayed from Melbourne. She reached Singapore almost midnight and had to fly back to Palembang on the next morning. I slept about 3 am, finished my book. I felt sad really, it is kinda hard to let go something you have attached to for the past week. I like the characters in the book, they are like my friends and I hate to find another good book to read - to make me feel belong somewhere and attached to it. I woke up at 6 am get ready to airport. We met my uncle and aunt who coincidently flying off the same date about the same hour. After that I had breakfast with the girls who also flying on the same flight with my sister and another is flying to Bali. Seems like everyone is going for holidays. We had breakfast at KFC and then I went home preparing for flea market.

Have you done a flea market before? On Saturday, me, my roomate - Mori and Desiree did the flea market at Queenstown shopping centre. Most of the time I will go flea market as the buyer but this time we tried to sell our pre loved clothing - bags - accessories. It is not an easy job really, I was knackered after the whole day event. The weather is sunny, it is good of course I dont want it to be rain because no one will go out and shop on raining day. I reached the place at 11 am and balloting for the booth. Me and Mori set up all the things we brought and Desiree joined us in the afternoon, the flea market starts at 1pm while we set up our stuff, there were two ladies approaching our booth and bought off $75 dollars worth of stuff. It is not bad for the starting and I was hoping that more people coming to buy from our booth. After 1pm not much crowds came to our booth maybe because of the weather was extremely hot. I could feel my skins burnt. After the sun went down and the wind breeze, the crowds started to come around 5pm. It is quite competitive price that we offered with our neighbour's stall. They offered cloths 1 for $1, 2 for $3 while our price is more expensive. 

I was thinking to do the Flea market again next time either at Queenstown on Sunday or Tanglin but there are a few things I have to consider. Flea market at Tanglin only happens every Saturday twice a month with ballot system - they only have about 20 lots per weekend and the rent is expensive, $85 per lot, and the selling price is cheap. I am not selling a lot of stuff so I don't think it is worth my time to sit down there and sell my cloths for $1 or $2. Queenstown is better because Sunday there are a lot of maids around who are having days off (according to the family who selling stuff next to our stall, they did it 4 times at Queenstown). Maybe not much people will buy our stuff but at least we can sell it bit more expensive because the rent is only $50 and we still can earn more. The next thing that I have to consider is, how to display the stuff. The place of the booth also playing the important thing. Well I hope the next one the luck is at our side.

Today I woke up quite late 11.30am - after 13 hours of sleeping and I feel knackered. Elis called me for lunch. I haven't met her for two weeks, she was back in Indonesia for long holidays. I took shower and made a move around 1 pm. I chose to walk to Lucky Plaza where we decided to have ayam penyet for lunch. I like to walk around when I have a lot of things on my mind. While walking to Lucky Plaza, my mind was wondering a lot of stuff. There were a lot of people on the street, couple, family, all sorts of people you could find. I saw a lady with tattoo walking in front of me, I was planning to make a tattoo soon, I examine carefully her tattoos on her right and left arms, the design was not nice and the colour has faded. It is kinda of dilemma to have and not to have a tattoo. I saw a mother who carrying the child on the back passed by in front of me and distract me about the tattoo. I always have question in mind when I see a little baby and mother- is it hard to be a mother and what kind of person the baby going to be when they have grown up?. I looked at the other side an extremely in love couple walking. I love to do people watch and wandering what kind of job are they doing, where are they possibly going that day, or if I saw a guy I am asking myself a question do gentlemen exists or is there anyone like Adam Levine out there. There are a lot of things in my mind and sometimes made me didn't notice what is happening around, I am literally drawn to my world. That's the reason why I love to be alone. 

I met Elis at ayam penyet, she already there when I reached we had quick lunch and stroll around. We went to Orchard central and pass by Dean & Deluca! I am definitely will arrange a coffee or lunch here! After that we had coffee at Raindrop Cafe - Scape. The coffee was to sweet, I'd prefer Starbucks! We had talks about what is happening now and what is our plan ahead. I always know what I want and I am waiting for the right opportunity. I hope next year or soon is the right time but at the other side, there are a few things hard for me to let go. Sometimes it is not about the place but it is the people that make you feel want to stay, but for the long run, when the people are no longer here, what make you want to stay?

Now I am preparing for my trip tomorrow and getting ready to have pizza and watch movie at Nyuk's.I hope everyone had a great weekend! 

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

Forfleasake Lucky Plaza Flea Review: Please please dont go, I went there and 60% of my bags and clothes were stolen. My friend brought 23 bags and 17 were missing. Another friend sold 2 jeans and all the rest went missing. The shoppers just swarm you like crazy. Some of them just took our items and simply walked away. It was a terrible Sunday. :( Just felt the need to warn you gals.. I am beyond upset..