Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday - Cleaning

Dear strangers,

It is Monday, still remember the past month how I had been dragging myself from bed to shower and walking slowly to the bus stop hoping that the bus or MRT will have another breakdown so I will reach office very late. Monday was nightmares for me. Enough complaining about those days which have already over!!!

So today I decided to spend the whole day at home, cleaning my stuff, un packed my arts supplies - perhaps I am going to pain again tomorrow if the weather still dull and not allowed me soaking under the sun to snaps more pictures, cooked my lunch, did some laundry, changed my bed sheets and then flipping through Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations book. I never intend to read his book till it finish, I don't like 'THE END' feeling - like there are no more materials for me to read. I am not a bookworm but when I like an author or a book I will take my time to read it slowly afraid that I will never find any books as fun as it. I flipped the pages and saw one chapter of the book about BEIRUT, I read between the lines. Few days ago I was thinking I want to visit Beirut one day, but after I read the chapter I am not sure if it is safe to visit the place.

I spent the whole afternoon stroll on the net, talking to ex colleagues. Life is weird somehow, you met a lot of people in your life but only a few have the chemistry. I met one of my ex colleague at Somerset on Sunday after I met another ex colleague for dinner. It was kinda random, Lyn asked me to have dinner and catch up, we met at cineleisure. I had a good time with her, a lot of people after you left the company will say that 'keep in touch' or 'let's hang out sometimes' but in the reality none of them will show up when you asked them to go out, surprisingly Lyn just showed up and had a little bit chit chat with me and shopping around for a bit. On the way home, I met uncle Low, whom I know from my very first company, he was with his wife, we just had a little bit chat and I left. And tomorrow I am going to meet Rachel. So this week a lot of catch up to do huh?

My Mark and Spencer chocolate cereal <3

No Reservations - and planning for another holidays!

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