Sunday, August 28, 2011

Long Weekend

It is a long weekend for me here, will going back to office on Wednesday, boring huh? So how are those people who has longer weekend than me (for a week) spending their time?

I made those simple postcards during the weekend, at first my intention was to make a little bit surprise postcard for teacher's day and ended up I made more. Since I don't really have time and enough material (I ran out of glue and double sided tape) so I just keep it simple. All the patterned papers I used is free wallpapers sample from office and I just cut and paste, shape it into something else and viola a post card (some of the ideas, credit to my bf <3). Since I am signed up for my postcrossing project, I might sent those hand made post cards to the people. My fave is the sunflower one.

Well hope everyone enjoy their long weekend. I will post more pictures soon!

PS: a few of it will end up on your door step, watch out :D

1 comment:

ElisTjandra said...

Thanks for the postcard :D