Sunday, May 27, 2012

Exciting Week!

Dear strangers,

Another week has gone, it was fun and full of surprises.

I met Wan, one of my favorite person on the planet earth! I am missing the old time where he was still my boss and he taught me a lot of stuff, told me stories, joking, talking all the non sense thingy. We had dinner at Wine Mansion nearby my client's place. After the dinner we dropped by awhile at the restaurant had a chat and drink a glass of red wine with them. Well they are no longer my client anymore but my friends :D.

I was hoping the weekend comes faster since I was back from Jakarta, I dont feel like to spend any more minute in the office. I always go home sharp at 6pm and then rest. I am really not in the mood. Finally Friday came, lately I am craving for a lot of food like Subway (I had it on Friday - Subwaymelt with the honey oat and honey mustard, extra tomatoes and olives, no pickles, cucumber and jalapeƱo IS THE BEST!), Nasi Padang (I had it on Thursday), and Sushi (which I had it on Saturday - buffet at Tarafuku).

So Saturday, I met up with my primary school friend Elis at 313 Somerset, we had lunch at Tarafuku buffet for 24bucks per person. Comparing to Kinshi Bo I had couple of weeks ago with the company, I felt Tarafuku slightly better with the choice and variety of sushi but not much choices for cooked food. They have the best steamed fish with toufu and mushroom, it is one of my fave!!! Kinshi Bo had more fried stuff and all day long soft shell crab but not much choice of sushi. So I think if I really want to eat sushi it will be better to go Sakae Sushi at Bugis (it is the best outlet I found so far) or maybe Sushi Tei. After strolled around with Elis, about 4pm we decided to go home, well I called Nyuk he said he is at Takashimaya, because I already walked till Ion I was so lazy to turn back to Taka. Right after I said bye to Elis, a tourist came to me and asked about the direction, and yes he wanted to go to Kinokuniya and Toy R Us, so I think it might be a sign that I have to go to Taka and hang out with Nyuk. I showed him the way and then I hang out with Nyuk and his siblings and cousins. They left after dinner and we continued hangout at Starbucks and McD till 10pm.

My colleagues suddenly invite me to watch MIB3 with her and another two colleagues today. The movie is funny anyway it's free tickets so yeah. What I could ask for more? After that we strolled around awhile and I decided to go home, rest! Since tomorrow is Monday and I am having Monday blues now! GRRR

So how about your weekend people?

French Bread from DeliFrance, it is the best!

Iced Caramel Machiatto is my fave!

Selection of snack at Muji always make my mouth watering!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Jakarta Gateway + Wedding Reception

Dear strangers,

It was a good and not so fun weekend for me. I flew off to Jakarta on Friday night, yes what I have been waiting for finally. It was the first time for me went back together with friends, its kind of funny walking around in big group while I always disappear every 5 minutes drawn into my own world looking for chocolates. So yeah before I boarded on the plane I called Nani, unexpectedly she told me that she was in Bogor since morning, means she screwed the whole plan. I felt bad because Alba and Rafki had already make their time for me and I will feel worst if they had to send me all the way to Bogor, so by the time I reached Jakarta I told them that I am going to Bogor with Nyuk, since he has being so kind hearted offered me a lift. Well 3am I reached Nani's house after supper and another supper.

The next day, I met the girls and had lunch with them, hang out a little bit and then off for dinner, yeah when I go back everything I do is only eat and eat and eat. I met Ory and the girlfriend at De Daunan Cafe inside the Botanical Garden. Honestly I dont like the food, the place and the service. 

On Sunday, it was the day I waited for, my friend's wedding. We arrived earlier and coincidentally, we arrived together with the guys. The opening of the wedding was fun, followed by the speech from the groom, cut the cake, shakes hand, photos with the group of friends and say hello to the crowd. Well I hate wedding if its not just because of my close friend, I would not attend the wedding, I hate meeting the old high school friends, they keep asking you the same questions while you never asked the back because you have no interest to start the topic in first place, so the conversation and everything became awkward. While I was standing and talking to the girls, suddenly an old friend appeared with her boyfriend, its another awkward moment, I don't like the boyfriend and I dont like the way she treats us. So yeah, she came without saying hello and left without a goodbye. I would enjoy the party more if I have more time to hang out with my circle of friends, the people I used to know and hang out with. 

Well, I have to wake up and accept that people grow up and grow apart, we might still the same but our circle of friends, work and where we lived are different and it makes us grow apart slowly. When one of the friend has gf/bf from other circle it is hard for the bf/gf to blend with us and in the end our friend chose to be with theirs than us, slowly the wall built and again we are drifted away from our friends, if the relationship last long and happily ever after maybe we won't regret with the decision to ditch our friendship but when everything goes wrong, again friends are just like a garbage bin. At one point after the reception this is how I felt and I am not sure what am I now and what are they now.

Now, I am back in Singapore, which make me feel a little bit relieved, I miss Singapore when I am away, I miss the public transport and time where I dont have to waste a lot of time on the road, and I miss hang out with the people I used to know without being interrupted by others.

My project finally done! I am so glad!

The girls before and on the wedding reception!

My fave drink before I leave Jakarta. Sayonara Jakarta till we meet again (not so soon I guess)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Unexpected Weeks!

Dear strangers,

I always have the motto of expect the unexpected. This week had been another rough and tough week but towards end of weekend on Friday it was another different experience that changed the whole mood of the week. It was a last good day to close the week.

I met my gentlemen client, the French guys and hang out with them for awhile, they always amazed me with what they thought and the restaurant business. I wish I get to know them more even tho after the project closed.

At work, same shyte different days. I hope that those days over and weekend comes sooner as I am flying off to Jakarta on Friday for my friend's wedding. I am so happy that I am going to meet everyone, like a small reunion. I hope everything will go smooth and according to the plan.

I encountered another friendship breakdown and it was easier than what I have experience with Net before still I have to let go all the grudge. It was partially my mistake and I have to move on. I felt bad and terrible that I have done such things, I felt it was not me at all.

On Saturday, I went to hand over my project, after that I hang out bit with my client, in the afternoon just before a second I wanted to hop in to the bus, I was looking at my right hand side, I saw my primary school friends, the twins! It was so coincidence, we hang out a little bit, walking around from City Hall to Somerset. It was fun and I enjoyed my time with them. We pass by the Chimej complex. Chimej, it is one of an old architecture complex at city centre that has been converted to shops, restaurants and bars. I love this area, the old architecture building and the feeling. This grand and beautiful church now function as event hall for wedding ceremony.

My roomate gave me this link that worth to check, it is about fashion and DIY product, the website called HonestlyWTF . I added it on the 'Inspiring Blog' section. And one more thing I have known for quite sometimes but I just check it out yesterday, it is about the Grimm's story, Disney really made a good twist about all those Fairy Tales, they made it incredible amazing and fills every little girl's mind with the fantasy of princess, fairies and happily ever after in the end but all those Fairy Tales was originally written the opposite. The story is mean, cruel and pshyco. I think as we (include me) are a grown up now, we deserve to know the truth, the original Fairy Tales which is more appropriate for our ages and to know the differences.

Check it out if you guys have time!

I hope everyone out there enjoying their weekends too!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hatched and Avengers Day!

Dear strangers,

Weekend flies like always but I didnt enjoy it at all. I mean I need more 'me time' for myself without sharing it with people. I am not in a good state of mind, battling myself between what I want and what choice I have. It is the hard choice but I hope I will find the answer soon.

Today I went to have breakfast at 'Hatched' Holland Village with Desire. Like the name everything on the menu contains eggs!!! We tried the buddy combo, it contained all the yummy stuff of your choices: eggs (you can chose your choice of eggs: Desiree chose poached eggs and I chose scrambled eggs), toasts, waffle, bacon and mini sausages. It was delicious breakfast. We had a walk around the area and then hang out at her place awhile, a nice cozy place with perfect weather. I passed by my aunt's house at Mt Sinai, it is totally a different now, I felt quite sad coz things changed extremely.

In the afternoon I went to watch Avengers with my colleagues. Avengers is the must watch movie, Robert Downey Jr (Ironman) is my fave! and of course the charming Thor! I think it was a great show!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo

Dear strangers,

I went to watch Ballet performance at Esplanade with my roomate Mori. We were lucky to get the best seat, 8 rows from the stage. The Ballet dancers were amazing, they are the multi award winning International dancer 'Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo'. It was my first time watching a ballet performance. I was so excited and amused when the dancers tip toed - jumped and spinned. Too bad there is no audio or visual recording allowed. I just took a snap of the stage's curtain.

Thursday, I was at the bottom of my mood, the lowest point of the boredomeness. Every time I awake in the morning, I started to feel that I wish this day is over soon. I feel like I am wasting one day in my life doing same shyte different days. There is nothing to look forward to at office, my mind is flying away far from office to Jakarta (soon!) and my other gateway in June/July. I really wish time flies. I left office at 6 sharp and went to Bugis for steamboat buffet with the girls. Well it has been a month since the last time we met each other for lunch buffet to celebrate the twin's birthday. Time flies, we still the same like the little kids, and I love the bond we have, like we will still be friends no matter what. So we just catch up and hang out bit.

I am looking forward for my weekend! And Yeas it's tomorrow ( I miss someone's companion) hais. Sometimes being around a few people makes me feel relax and home. I miss those people.

The red curtain

Random pics I took last two weeks at Orchard. 1) My shoes, my pride and joy! 2) HnM, I love the traffic in front of H&M so many people to check out from the coolest to weirdos. 3) Cakes at Cedele, will drop by to try one of these days!

Update again soon on weekends!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Labour Day

Dear strangers,

It's labour day, I love holidays that falls on the weekdays! So today I went to have late lunch at Spruce @Tanglin Road, there was not much choice on the menu, I wanted to try the tuna burger but it was not availavle so I had pasta, it was nice. The weather was so hot as I was seating outside, the fans didn't help at all, we were trying to request the seats inside but all fully reserved. I was sweating like a pig today. The interior was not that funtastic as I expected, I don't think I will go back there for the second time.

After Spruce we went to Ion for quick shopping, my roomate was looking for a dress for the wedding in June. I didnt enjoy the shopping much because of the crowds. Too many people made my head spin and felt sick. Thanks God shortly after that we decided to had tea break at Paul at Takashimaya, it was my second time there, too bad I was full so I didnt try the main course, I just tried a chocolate cake which I feel that the main course is worth to try compare to the cakes. After Paul, we walked to city hall and had dinner at Thai Express. I felt so full and fat, time to diet!

Oh yeah, finally I purchased a pair of Doc Martens shoes, the original 1460 in black. I was not sure what was in my mind but I think I am happy with it!!!!

Well I am so lazy to go to office tomorrow but it will be another great day ahead. Hope you all have a great days ahead till weekend!

Random pics at Spruce

My new doc martens!

Breads at Paul, Looks yummy!