Sunday, October 7, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Dear stranger,

It is another year passed, I marked a new milestone. Well nothing special about my birthday no big party or whatsoever. As I grow older I prefer the quite quality time with friends. I had dinner at Sushi Tei with my childhood friend Elis and we went to watch Taken 2, some surprise came in the between where those group of friends came to sang me happy birthday with cake at Takashimaya, I was overwhelmed and happy. And then the surprises didnt stop there, more wishes from friends and I think more surprises will come this week. I just wish for the best now.

This year is the best year of my life, went for trips and maybe I have the answer that I have been waiting for. Finger crossed but I wish all the best for everyone out there....

I have been swimming a lot lately :D and getting tanner! Hmmph

God morgen!

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