Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So my scope of job is expanding a little bit, now I have to take a few shoots for my company profile, maybe I can keep this as my portfolio too.

I think everyone knows Morton's, they claim as the no 1 steak's house in Singapore and of course you will be served with varies of wines and best services!

Let me know what you guys think about my shoots!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

I just want to share my point of view about world and reality. Maybe this is going to be boring but I will keep it short. It has been bothering me a lot, what am I going to be and my financial security, of course everyone has been crossed this path feel afraid and insecure but they do nothing about it, instead get back to daily life work 9-6pm, get paid by end of month and feel better after paid but never thought about the long term. I have asked myself what I want obviously I do not want that and I found out what I want.

It started few months back, when my ex-boss and now retired, Wan has been telling me about financial freedom and investing, at first I was not interested at all, ever since I have started my job in this company under his supervision, he has taught me a lot not only about the work but about some other stuff, slowly he planted those ideas in my head until few months back I was realizing what he has been telling me it is right. So far we have been educated and planted with those kind of thinking, 'go school, get good grades, get job with high pay, work and work, waiting for the pay rise or bonuses and then work, work until we die to pay the bills and other expenses'. Yea we might save some money but the value of money is getting smaller by we retired. Wan suggested me to read 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad', it was a good book, very simple to describe what most people think and experience in the world about their financial life. Of course when you read it you don't follow blindly what the guy did on the book, he just give the ideas and basic principals, in the real world you still the one who control your actions.

So what I want to share here after I read the book (now I am reading the Rich Dad, Poor Dad: Retire Young, Retire Rich). I just realized it that seating in the office from 9-6pm is limiting my access to sources and limiting my freedom to do things I like, to earn more, most of us working and have been paid with fix salary, we would not earn more than what we pay monthly, but by retiring early we have a lot of time and we can focus to build our own empire, our own sources of income.

The book tells that 'whatever we think is real, becomes reality', if we think we can do it, we can afford it we will achieve it. It also says that 'your thoughts and words do become flesh'. Every person's reality are different from each other, if you have been planted with those kind of thinking that working your ass off entire of your life will make you rich, you are wrong and you should start to learn and open your mind. If Bill Gates, Wright brothers or Harry Ford can do it, there are a lot of people before you can do it, means it is not impossible. If you are failed, don't quite try again, learn from mistakes. If 9 out of 10 people failed, you might one of the nine but if you try again from the mistake you will succeed but after you success don't forget the possibility you will fail again, like if you playing poker in a casino, every turn you have the possibility to lose all the money, never think if one turn you strike millions and the next turn you will strike more.

There are so many books to read to inspire you to buy your own self out from slavery. This book is just one of them, but if you want to sit down and be a slave forever, it's your choice. It is just me, sharing my ideal world and I will find my way to pursue it. I need to take a step further and pursuing what I think is right. What I want is to have my own empire not my mom or inherit from my parents because I believe that you have to earn your own sweat to support your self. I am creating my path to my reality, a financial freedom.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I came across to do some research about what is the best art supplier brand, most of people who don't really know how to appreciate art and colours they will just simply buy some commercial brands that easy to buy like Faber Castle or Staedler. They are good for some range like the pencils, personally I prefer Staedler, for your info both brands are manufactured in Germany.

Most of my art supply I get it from Daler Rowney I feel that the oil paint is rich with pigments and suit my needs, it is not that expensive still reasonable, I never use Winsor and Newton (not yet, I will try it!), both brands are from England, very famous and easily to find.

So after I browse around I saw this brand Rembrandt which is very rare and hard to find, I think it is just supplying for pastels colours and another one is Sennelier. Sennelier is a French supplier and I never heard of it, the price is quite expensive but Monet, Picasso and Van Gogh used it for their paintings, even they special made some paints for Picasso. The water colour painting above is drawn by a watercolourist from NY link here, it shows the facade of the shop since 1887 in Paris, it looks very vintage. I can imagine seeing myself shop some colours there :D

I really want to try it. Hopefully I can find it here. For me those colours are like candies and chocolate to the kids.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Homemade Burgers!!

Chicken Burger

Beef Burger

nomnomnomnom now we dont have to go burger king anymore. (written by my bf)

The Afternoon Tea at the park is next month as the host I shall prepare an edible food for my guests, me and my Sous Chef aka my bf, tried to make homemade beef burger and chicken salad sandwich. The Beef Burger turned to be funtastic as well the chicken salad burger (I did not buy the sandwich bread). So yeah, we are ready for our picnic. There are two more food to try out will post later.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Audrey Tautou

I always adore her after watching the movie Amelie, I think she is pretty in a way. Need to sharpen my skill more :|

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

Mark's House

I had chance get to know Mark, he is a very talented painter, his work is amazing. So somewhere around Easter, I had chance to crash at his house. His house is one of a kind that you see in most of the movies or you can imagine the Santa coming down from chimney on Christmast's eve, where the surrounding only meadows and hills, his house is the only one out of nowhere. It is a beautiful huge house with his small studio behind, the interior is amazing, comfortable and cozy. I would love to stay in this kind of house one day, old classic furnitures and nice comfortable living room, brick walls and fire place with gardens and funtastic view.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Country Side's Life

I stayed with Mar for quite sometimes and enjoyed being a country side girl where I have to play with mud, being a shepherd and walk the dogs. These are some of the picture during my wandering at Marlene's field and tried to be a shepherd. It was my first time being so close to a lamb they are pretty cute I think :D

Oxford part 2

Chirst Church

A wonderful Ceiling of one of entrance to the Church.

I found this toys at one of the shop, it is pretty adorable.

and I tried the Jamie's Italian, thought the food is expensive actually it is not that expensive and not that funtastic too.